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Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Nature is beautiful
nature is fun
love it or hate it
nature is something to love
nature is god's gift to us

Nature we love
wate and feed nature
Nature water's and feed's us
god gave us nature
we cant live with out it
nature makes us

i know nature
Nature is beautiful
Nature is about the earth
nature has flower; s and weed's
weed's or flower's nature is us

Nature is beautiful
nature is fun
love it or hate it
nature is something to love
nature is god's gift to us

Nature we love
wate and feed nature
Nature water's and feed's us
god gave us nature
we cant live with out it
nature makes us

i know nature
Nature is beautiful
Nature is about the earth
nature has flower; s and weed's
weed's or flower's nature is us


Innocence is something amazing,
Innocence is life changing.
Innocence is heart wrenching,
Innocence is surprising.
Why can't i have something so breath-taking?
Because my innocence is non-existing.


I trust the night
I trust the stars that shine
I trust the moon
I know its love’s divine
I trust the wind
I trust its winding ways
I trust the sky
I know its separate days
I trust the dawn
I trust its rising light
I trust the sun
I know its blinding sight
I trust the clouds
I trust the crimson waves
I trust the things I love
I know that this trust saves Me

“Sweet Sounds of Joy”

Sounds of joy, sounds of joy
Oh how I love to hear sweet sounds
Of joy

Sounds of joy, sounds of joy
Oh how I love to hear momma sing
In her morning voice

Sounds of joy, sounds of joy
Oh how I love to be in the presence
Of these sounds of joy

Sounds of joy, sounds of joy
Oh how I love sweet sounds of joy 

No end to success

Success is not the triumph over regress,
Success is the power to suppress.
Success is not the money or the fame,
Success is, knowing you are still the same.
Success is not the power or the pride.
Success is the knowing how to hide.
Success is not a gift or gain,
Success is accepting and believing in your name.
Success is not a point or goal to seek,
Success is, believing you have never reached the peak.

I dream

I dream of floating away on a cloud
I dream of catching a falling star
I dream of my prince charming
I dream of how I’ll save him from the dragon
I dream of cows on the moon
And pink grass

I dream of old ladies knitting socks
I dream the twelve Olympians are real
I dream I’ll meet them someday
I dream of vast sugar cane fields
I dream of a bed of roses
And how prickly that must be

I dream of firefly friends
I dream of a lighting bug show
I dream of riding a striped horse down the aisle
I dream of hot air balloons
I dream of polar bears
And penguins

I dream of snow
I dream of rain
I dream of summer
I dream of fall
I dream of day
And night

I dream of the moon
I dream of stars
I dream of going to Mars
I dream of how I’ll be queen of the Martians
I dream of how I’ll love my subjects
And people always said I belonged on another planet

I dream of love
I dream of faith
I dream of hope
I dream of culture
I dream of life
And I dream sweet dreams

Happiness Is Not Comforts

‘Does Happiness depend upon comfort? ’
The answer is definitely a big, ‘No! ’
Happiness lies in not comforts alone!
Happiness is not a static quality of the human mind, body and soul.

All can’t remain happy all the time.
It would be foolishness to wish for a life, filled with happiness alone;
Happiness is more when woes come in-between.
Happiness is just a feeling weird!

Life could become boring and monotonous, when happiness is prolonged.
Even the pauper can be happier than the prince.
Even the beggar smiles and sleeps well, despite much strife.

Happiness is a frame of mind that’s dynamic in nature;
Happiness is a kind of mood of feeling very well;
Happiness is a state of one, when life seems worth living;
Happiness is something strange that varies with time, experience and wisdom.

Happiness is all within;
Happiness is in giving;
Happiness is in sharing;
Happiness is the ceiling, whatever you fix!

Happiness does not wholly depend on comforts;
Happiness cannot be bought by money;
Happiness is not all luxury;
Happiness is abstract to the core!

Happiness is in being child-like, though adult;
Happiness is in making and seeing the less fortunate ones, smile;
Happiness is in acting adult-like, although a child
Happiness is in giving something to someone, although you still need it.

Happiness is in sacrificing for others’ sake;
Happiness is in giving up your chance to someone, who most needs it;
Happiness is in doing acts of charity;
Happiness is when you’ve led a righteous life.

Happiness to some is in dreams alone;
Happiness to some doing risky feats;
Happiness to a few is in a sheer lazy life;
Happiness to some is in yeoman service to mankind.

Happiness is a phenomenon;
Happiness is a quirk of fate;
Happiness is quite rare and scarce at times;
Happiness to some is in living in a virtual world!

Happiness is in braving the storms of life;
Happiness is in toiling for others’ sakes;
Happiness is in sharing your talents and ken;
Happiness is in loving your poor brethren.